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BY-LAWS continued


ARTICLE III - Officers continued

Section 3.02-Duties of Officers

a. Co-Chairs-The Co-Chairs shall:

1. Preside at all monthly meetings;

2. Serve as primary spokesperson for the Club;

3. Direct goals and budget performance;

4. Set agenda for all monthly meetings;

5. Appoint and/or dissolve all other committees as required.

6. Provide leadership to and/or delegate key projects such as marketing, press releases and other tasks as needed.

b. Secretary-The Secretary shall:

1. Maintain a record of all the proceedings of the monthly meetings. The minutes will include date, those present, acceptance of last month's minutes and treasurer's report, old business and new, all topics discussed in a brief description.

2. Post draft and approved minutes on the School Athletic website.

3. Be responsible for any correspondences including thank you notes, sympathy cards and others as needed.

c. Treasurer-The Treasurer shall:

1. Maintain a complete set of account books in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices.

2. Make disbursements from the general fund to pay expenses and disperse funds when voted on during/or in a previous meeting.

3. Deposit all monies received as income into the general checking account.

4. Report the amount of money available in the general fund at each monthly meeting.

5. Prepare a draft annual budget for membership to review and approve.

6. Prepare and submit report to Attorney's General Office and IRS on an annual basis.

Section 3.03: If action on behalf of the Club is necessary before it is reasonable to convene the monthly meeting, the Co-Chairs shall take such action based on the majority vote of the four officers. A report of the action taken shall be made at the next monthly meeting.

1. Maintain a completec.

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