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BY-LAWS continued 2

ARTICLE IV - Standing Committees

Section 4.01-Standing Committees: Standing Committees are those that may be required to function throughout the year. Each Standing Committee shall have a volunteer, at-large, coordinator or co-coordinators to carry out the roles and responsibilities. Standing Committees and their primary functions are as follows. Others may be created at the discretion of the Board for other reasons that are deemed consistent with the Purpose and Objective of the Club.

Section 4.02-Membership Committee: Identify potential members and encourage existing members to attend and contribute to meetings and events of the Club.

Section 4.03-Concessions Committee: The Concessions Committee shall be responsible for management of concessions. The Concessions shall:

a. Recruit and schedule parent volunteers (representing the various sports teams) to manage the concessions for specific games and events;

b. Record provisions needed and report to Co-Chairs;

c. Communicate purchase of supplies under supervision of Co-Chairs working with the Treasurer.

d. Transfer monies to Treasurer after each event when possible.

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